Representation by New York gallery Agora

2018 promises to be a good one, with kick-starting the Makeblijde 2017 1year by signing with my dream gallery: Agora Gallery, situated in Chelsea, Manhattan. The collaboration includes taking part in the renowned art fair:  Artexpo New York, April 19th – 22nd 2018.

Followed by a group exhibition in Agora Gallery, May 22nd-June 12th. With the opening night on Thursday May 24th at 6pm. More details will follow. All are welcome.

Portrait Exhibition

Aidan Tromp PhotoIMG_3501


I am currently taking part in a portrait exhibition in the local theatre, Theater aan de Slinger, in Houten,N.L., together with my two sons, Aidan  (11) and Finn (7).

All residents in Houten were invited to take part. The exhibition was preluded with a Live portrait session where 5 Houten artists captured on paper, canvas and clay, a distinguished Houten professor Gijs van Kuik. The exhibition runs until May 12th. For more info click op Portrait expo.




I have divided my paintings into four categories. Whether its a landscape,  a person, a close-up, nature, or an abstract painting, certain elements are universal in my work. These include the light intensity which could be described as being dramatic. Also a sense of motion and energy are a constant fascination. Hope you enjoy browsing through the various categories.